Sunday, 5 May 2019


Hi friends, readers and members,                                                      5th May 2019.

You can still find my print paperback book, "Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune"* (by Dinesh Sahay) on , , , , e Book on Amazon Kindle, i Books ,Google Play and kobo. , ,  .  ,
You can find all links simultaneously at

If you have any questions regarding your dreams, wish or goals of life you can write me at; 
 and read my above book for  wish fulfillment method. Thank you.

Dinesh Sahay
"Enlighten The Lamp of your Fortune"*

new book to be released shortly, "मस्तिष्क और विचरो से अपने जीवन कि रचना कैसे करें ?"

मेरे प्रिय मेंबर्स, पाठक एवं फ्रेंड्स,                                                                      5 May 2019

     मैं, दिनेश सहाय अपने सभी पढाको और मेंबर्स को अपनी नवीन पुस्तक, "मस्तिष्क और विचारो से जीवन की रचना कैसे करें ?"  जो हिंदी मैं पब्लिश होने गयी है यह जानकारी देना चाहता हूँ कि इसमैं  "अपने भाग्य के दीपक को उजागर करें " ("Enlighten   the  Lamp  of  your  Fortune *") का भी विवरण है। मेरा यह प्रोग्राम जैसा कि आप को ज्ञात होगा एक वास्तविक कार्यक्रम है सपने/ इच्छा /लक्ष कि प्राप्ति के लिए । शीघ्र ही यह पुस्तक अमेज़न, पब्लिशर और अन्य लिंक्स पर उपलब्ध होगी जिसे सूचित किया जायेगा ।

दिनेश सहाय 
लेखक /ट्रेनर/ कोच  

Dinesh Sahay

Wednesday, 3 April 2019

मेरे नवीन पुस्तक हिंदी मैं," मस्तिष्क और विचारों से जीवन की रचना कैसे करें ?

मेरे नवीन पुस्तक हिंदी मैं," मस्तिष्क और विचारों से जीवन की रचना कैसे करें ?

प्रिय पाठक/ रीडर्स,
मुझे प्रसन्नता है यह बताते हुए ,  कि मेरी नवीन पुस्तक, " मस्तिष्क और विचारों से जीवन की रचना कैसे करें ?", पब्लिशिंग के लिए गयी है और शीघ्र ही ऑनलाइन Amazon  flipkart  Mojo  googleplay आदि पर उपलब्ध होगी। इसकी सुचना मैं शीघ्र ही आप सब को इस ब्लॉग पर मिलिगी और फेसबुक, इंस्टाग्राम पर भी मिलेगी ।

दिनेश सहाय
०३ ०४ २०१९ 

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Dear Readers,
 My Book & eBook, “Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*" (by Dinesh Sahay) has been launched in August 2018. A Wish/Dream Fulfillment program is hidden in the book.
Please write few lines review and rate Stars***** of choice at the link, all the links are given below. The book is complete solution to your problems of day to day life. A practical method is revealed for the first time for as to how you can create what you want in life.
This book is specially for younger people who have lot of aspirations in life like future, education, loans, employment, start of Venture, Business, Promotions, change in Job, marriage issues and other numerous personal problems of disputes etc.
Businessman and corporate can learn how they can grow and increase their turnover by performing my program and grow.
  You must have heard a story of Aladdin and his Lamp or Aladdin and Genie and it’s the program hidden in the book is like day Aladdin found an old Lamp, so he cleans this Lamp. He saw a Genie appeared before him. She said, Aladdin! My Master I am for you and your wish is my command...whatever you ask me I will provide you with in no time. You can tell me three wishes and I will fulfill it. Aladdin conveyed his three Wish. He was astonished to see that Genie had surprised him and he got three dreams manifested, as asked by him. This program is just like that it will surprise you too so; what for you waiting for... just read my book...
  Book has been launched and available, at Amazon .in,, Flip,, Amazon (Kindle),, and iBook... Price of the book in India in Paperback INR 199 plus, shipment, eBook is INR  116, International readers in Print paperback is $ 3.99, eBook $1.70 you can check up at link for correct price as book is released on many links simultaneously.
Where to buy Print/e Book, “Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*” by Dinesh Sahay (in Print paperback or eBook)
                        Print Book- Paperback        in India
1.   Publisher: Notion Press Chennai: at;
 2. at;
3. at;
             e Book:        in India & International
1.    Amazon (Kindle): at;
3. at;
I want to thank everyone of you in advance all the very best for peace, prosperity, abundance, good health and good sense prevails with everyone.
 Dinesh Sahay
Author Mentor
*Terms and conditions apply.

Saturday, 11 August 2018

Launch of Book Print Paperback & eBook, Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*"

Launch of Book Print paperback & e Book, "Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*"

Dear Readers,
Hi, I am Dinesh Sahay the author of “ENLIGHTEN THE LAMP OF YOUR FORTUNE*” and am pleased to inform that this book’s First Publication & edition is now released online. It is now available at links which can be seen at below where you can buy directly from any link online in Print paperback or read as e Book or both. I am pleased to tell you that my next book shall soon be launched which is under process, “Can I Create What Stars Can’t Foretell”? 

Current book launch is a guide to all solutions to your problems in day to day life. Also; you can learn how to create what you want in life by identifying and targeting your WISH/DREAM or a GOAL and make your dreams come true by the use of TECHNIQUE-- OF POWER OF MIND, THOUGHT, POWER OF SPOKEN WORDS, POWER OF WRITING and RIGHT TARGETED ACTIONS. 
  There is a practical exercise which you can carry out a program for few minutes when at home, in office, while travelling by train, plane or car by sparing few minutes of your time each day till you reach your goal or reach near to what you want.

“Fate or Kismet (destiny) is the invention of fools and does not exist. Whoever believes in it and is obsessed with divine fate, is the enemy of his own soul. He perishes, destroying his own good worth and prosperity.”   (Yogi Vashishtha)

You are the creator of your own destiny stored for you by God. Hreleases it to you on demand by your thoughts and actions.

I request readers to read this Golden book several times before you start actual program for Dream/Wish Fulfillment and solutions to your serious problems of life such as, marriage, finances, business, abundance, recovery from serious illnesses, growth in business and company. 
Buy at  (see exact link of the book below)
I would request you to forward this message to your friends and others who may be interested to learn this technique. Please write a review and give no. of****Stars as per your review at or

    After you read my book, “Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*” several times please perform my program as per wish/dream or for any problem you are facing in life. However, the success of the program will depend on your belief system, pre-set notions, faith/trust in self, God, Guru, actions on ground and faith in the program... Please do read terms and conditions before you perform this given program.

Where to buy Print/e Book, “Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*”  by Dinesh Sahay

 You can buy my Book in Print Paperback and in eBook on following links;

1.   Publisher: Notion Press Chennai: at;
                                           Print Book Paperback----- in India 
 2. at; 

3. at; 

4. at;

                                 e Book:        in India & International

1.         Amazon (Kindle): at;    


3. at;


*Terms and conditions apply.
You can also visit other links;

 I wish all readers great success in life who Buy, read and perform my program with complete faith, trust in self, God, Mentor and follow the procedure, precautions mentioned in book, I want to assure you that you will observe your dreams taking shape from 3rd day onward in the direction of your dreams. However, results will differ from person to person will depend on -- your Belief System – Faith- Trust in program- Self - God – Mentor -and the Author. 
Thank you.
Dinesh Sahay
Author Mentor
Current Book: “ENLIGHTEN THE LAMP OF YOUR FORTUNE” * by Dinesh Sahay    
                   Publisher: Notion Press

My Next Book underway: “Can I Create What Stars Can’t Foretell?”

MakeYourDreamsComeTrue   MakeYourDreams

*Terms and conditions apply.