Buy the book, "Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune"* for Rs 500.00 in PDF Format at your email address.
Join the program and take online help and guidance from the author and your
choose any of the below-given plans below (charges revised w.e.f.1 st January
General Plan
this plan, you will be sent complete details and a Program Book in PDF
Format with the option to write back your problem/wish/dream/goal it
is very simple to do every day, till you achieve your main objective or are near your goal. One can ask queries and guidance by email too. Please select and click
the box Charges you pay…. 1500
Silver Plan
you will be sent complete details with Program Book in PDF Format and
with an option to write back your problem/wish/goal/dream, Plus the option to interact
by telephone or chat/video/ conference/email. Please select and click the box
Charges you pay…. 2500.
The Silver plan is recommended for the First timers. Transform your dreams into reality in actual life by reading the book or joining an online program. You can create what you want in life and by starting this program, you will observe actual creation starting from 3rd day onward in the direction of your dreams and the manifestation in time bound manner as per your mindset, trust, and faith in this program subject to terms and conditions are given in the website.
Gold Plan
will be sent complete details of the program and format with the option to write back
your problem/goal/wish dream Plus chat/video conference Plus help on
telephone/mobile and your call/visit/interview for guidance with the Mentor
personally. Charges you pay…. 5000
You can send an SMS at 09560249729 providing your name, city, state, country and email, for a free preview of the program book and or send payment details or queries. Write to us at ds.makeyourdreams@gmail.com
of payment:
Bank Transfer:
Name of account holder Dinesh Sahay, Bank HDFC Bank Branch SCO 139/140 Sector 21- C Faridabad Haryana Pin 121001 Current Account no. 06151570000735 IFSC Code: HDFC0000615.
By Cheque or Draft:
You can pay at any ATM Drop Box of HDFC Bank or any of the branches of HDFC Bank in your city/town.
Please deposit a/c Payee cheque/draft at any ATM Drop boxes of HDFC Bank or deposit to any of its branches of HDFC Bank, a/c Payee/crossed cheque/draft in favour of “Dinesh Sahay” “Savings account No. 06151570000735”.
Please do not forget to write details on the back of the cheque/draft as above account No, name of the holder( Dinesh Sahay), HDFC Account no (as above), branch & address (as above).
Please sms all details of payment with your name, city, program plan you choose or only book and your email address to Dinesh at Mob: 09560249729 and email us at ds.makeyourdreams@gmail.com
1 comment:
The plans are nice and affordable I will surely be thankful to you for providing the information in such a detail it will surely help me deal with my studies
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