Wednesday, 16 August 2023


                                          THOUGHTS & ACTIONS

We all know that life is created by our past thoughts and actions which is the real truth. The more positivity in its creation will add to its good results and vice versa. Your life will depend on how you speak, think and act subject to your good and bad thoughts and actions. Good and positive actions will determine your destiny but your mind is running with unwanted and unending thoughts and it is difficult to monitor it with absolute control. There are three ways to control your mind, the first one is to go in a thoughtless state of mind which is meditation and the second is to control your negative and bad actions and the third is to erase bad, unnecessary and unwanted past thoughts, notions and actions.
   It’s very difficult to target your mind for positive thoughts always but it’s simple to ignore negative thoughts and actions. Thoughts are usually formed through to our five senses and also with our interactions with the outer world. Now similar thoughts will convert into our spoken words which later impress our subconscious mind and a corresponding event is generated in life. That means spoken words are very important for creation in our lives. Every single word uttered is contributing to an action, an event, or a happening in our lives. Men usually utter words that don’t contribute to good to your life dreams and that can be very well avoided and ignored.
    How can a man ignore and avoid those unwanted spoken words is very simple. You can avoid using negative words in your daily conversation with others and with yourself too. Now identify all negative words which you use in daily conversation and talks. Every individual can write such negative and positive words which he speaks. It will depend on person to person how you speak and interact with family, parents, friends, colleagues and other but most commonly used words can be stopped and avoided by practice. We can stop using words such as; no, not, can’t, won’t, don’t, never, couldn’t, didn’t and any such words. We can stop using words; bad, cruel, wicked, hate, hopeless, doubt, fear, angry, jealous, curse, torture, fight, quarrel, hit, worse etc and there can be more such words with each individual habit of speaking. We may add some good synonyms to our vocabulary for use such as; love, good, wonderful, pleasant, hope, confident, sure, certain, pray, help etc and each individual will have his own good or bad vocabulary. Thirdly you have to erase, demolish and dissolve your past bad thoughts and actions because of which you are unhappy and unsatisfied in your life. It can be done by tuning your mind with some auto-suggestion, mantra or prayer. If you can practice and follow each of these three steps you may not only find change in your thoughts but also change in actual life to a great extent.

Dinesh Sahay (writer)
11th December 2014.
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essay best said...

Three steps explained with clear concepts and explanation is near to reality. I have really enjoyed reading this.

dinesh sahay said...

Ohm Namah Shivaya.