Saturday, 11 August 2018

Launch of Book Print Paperback & eBook, Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*"

Launch of Book Print paperback & e Book, "Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*"

Dear Readers,
Hi, I am Dinesh Sahay the author of “ENLIGHTEN THE LAMP OF YOUR FORTUNE*” and am pleased to inform that this book’s First Publication & edition is now released online. It is now available at links which can be seen at below where you can buy directly from any link online in Print paperback or read as e Book or both. I am pleased to tell you that my next book shall soon be launched which is under process, “Can I Create What Stars Can’t Foretell”? 

Current book launch is a guide to all solutions to your problems in day to day life. Also; you can learn how to create what you want in life by identifying and targeting your WISH/DREAM or a GOAL and make your dreams come true by the use of TECHNIQUE-- OF POWER OF MIND, THOUGHT, POWER OF SPOKEN WORDS, POWER OF WRITING and RIGHT TARGETED ACTIONS. 
  There is a practical exercise which you can carry out a program for few minutes when at home, in office, while travelling by train, plane or car by sparing few minutes of your time each day till you reach your goal or reach near to what you want.

“Fate or Kismet (destiny) is the invention of fools and does not exist. Whoever believes in it and is obsessed with divine fate, is the enemy of his own soul. He perishes, destroying his own good worth and prosperity.”   (Yogi Vashishtha)

You are the creator of your own destiny stored for you by God. Hreleases it to you on demand by your thoughts and actions.

I request readers to read this Golden book several times before you start actual program for Dream/Wish Fulfillment and solutions to your serious problems of life such as, marriage, finances, business, abundance, recovery from serious illnesses, growth in business and company. 
Buy at  (see exact link of the book below)
I would request you to forward this message to your friends and others who may be interested to learn this technique. Please write a review and give no. of****Stars as per your review at or

    After you read my book, “Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*” several times please perform my program as per wish/dream or for any problem you are facing in life. However, the success of the program will depend on your belief system, pre-set notions, faith/trust in self, God, Guru, actions on ground and faith in the program... Please do read terms and conditions before you perform this given program.

Where to buy Print/e Book, “Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*”  by Dinesh Sahay

 You can buy my Book in Print Paperback and in eBook on following links;

1.   Publisher: Notion Press Chennai: at;
                                           Print Book Paperback----- in India 
 2. at; 

3. at; 

4. at;

                                 e Book:        in India & International

1.         Amazon (Kindle): at;    


3. at;


*Terms and conditions apply.
You can also visit other links;

 I wish all readers great success in life who Buy, read and perform my program with complete faith, trust in self, God, Mentor and follow the procedure, precautions mentioned in book, I want to assure you that you will observe your dreams taking shape from 3rd day onward in the direction of your dreams. However, results will differ from person to person will depend on -- your Belief System – Faith- Trust in program- Self - God – Mentor -and the Author. 
Thank you.
Dinesh Sahay
Author Mentor
Current Book: “ENLIGHTEN THE LAMP OF YOUR FORTUNE” * by Dinesh Sahay    
                   Publisher: Notion Press

My Next Book underway: “Can I Create What Stars Can’t Foretell?”

MakeYourDreamsComeTrue   MakeYourDreams

*Terms and conditions apply.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018


Dear readers/friends/followers,
Hi, I am Dinesh Sahay the author of “ENLIGHTEN THE LAMP OF YOUR FORTUNE*” and pleased to inform that my book’s First Publication & edition is now released online and is now available at links which can be seen at bottom of this mail where you can buy it directly in Print paperback. I am pleased to tell you that my next book, "Can I Create What Stars Can't Foretell?' shall soon be launched and is under process.
This book is a guide to all solutions to your problems in day to day life. Also; you can learn how to create what you want in life by identifying and targeting your WISH/DREAM or a GOAL and make your dreams come true by the use of TECHNIQUE-- OF POWER OF MIND, THOUGHT, POWER OF SPOKEN WORDS, POWER OF WRITING and RIGHT TARGETED ACTIONS. There is a practical exercise which you can carry out a program for few minutes when at home, in office, while travelling by train, plane or car by sparing few minutes of your time each day till you reach your goal or reach near to what you want.
“Fate or Kismet (destiny) is the invention of fools and does not exist. Whoever believes in it and is obsessed with divine fate, is the enemy of his own soul. He perishes, destroying his own good worth and prosperity.”   (Yogi Vashishtha)
You are the creator of your own destiny stored for you by God. Hreleases it to you on demand by your thoughts and actions.
Buy at  (see exact link of the book at the bottom of letter/mail)
ABOUT e Book:
 For e Book; it will take some time as it is under process. However, you can see details on my other blogs and links as well.
You can also visit my links;
 I would request you to forward this message to your friends and others who you know and may be interested learn this technique. Please do write a review on and also if you like after reading and performing my program.
Thank you.
Dinesh Sahay
Author Mentor

Current Book: “ENLIGHTEN THE LAMP OF YOUR FORTUNE” * by Dinesh Sahay                       Publisher: Notion Press
Next Book underway: “Can I Create What Stars Can’t Foretell?”
MakeYourDreamsComeTrue MakeMyDreams WishFulfilment
Where to buy Book, ‘ENLIGHTEN THE LAMP OF YOUR FORTUNE*’                                                                                               
Buy Book in print at below given links;
 eBook ;

This will be available at Notion,, Google play Kinder, kobo, iBooks etc
*Terms & conditions apply.

Saturday, 21 July 2018



Dear friends,
  I would like to share one important information with all friend and followers. Good news is, soon I am going to get publish my book, "Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune" in paperback and also eBook format which will be available within 50 days on following links and price in India and Internally as given below;


India Price  Rupees 199 available at

International price  $ 8.99 at

eBOOK in process and shall be released shortly...

India ..price   Rupees 99
International price  $ 3.99   available at
Google Kindle

  This book is about self creation of life through practical lessons which anyone can easily perform at home, in office, while travelling in car, plain or a train with ease. Only thing is sure that you have to spare few minutes of time from your busy schedule, and follow instructions given in book. One can easily fulfill dreams, wishes and goal that one can preset with target date. Anything is possible at any point of time with power of thoughts, power of words, actions and visualization. Results will depend on individual persons preset notions, faith, trust and belief system. If one can change the conditioning of mind and speaking power along with faith in self and God then anything can be achieved by meager efforts and creativity.
  I hope this book will give you confidence to play positive life and a good solution to your personal problems. I would request all friends and followers who wish to buy my book should connect with me for latest information on book at
  email: or
Yours sincerely
Dinesh sahay
Author Mentor
Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune.
Kanpur/Gr Faridabad  Haryana Delhi NCR
July 21st 2018

Wednesday, 3 April 2013


A wish or a goal or a dream is important for the creation of life.

If you analyse your past life, you will find that at some stage of your life, you must have thought, wished or spoken about it. You could have spoken to yourself and your mind could have picked up some of it and created a particular event, incident or happening in your life. Nothing comes in your life without expectations, feelings and your positive/negative creations and actions.


Life is like riding a bicycle, if you don't peddle it, you will fall. 

Life is like a notebook and out of all pages, two pages have been written by God. The first page is 'birth' and the last page is 'death'. The rest of the pages are empty which you have to fill by applying your mind, thoughts, your spoken words, and actions to your life. God will manifest that which you fill in the empty pages in your life, subject to nature's set rules.
If you do not write your own pages, someone else will write it for you, and you will get that which you never wished. If you don't use your mind, someone will use it, your life will play accordingly, and you may face the music.

You are responsible for your life so don't blame anyone even God for what happens in your life. 

You are the creator of your life which is the truth and that's it. 

There is no such thing like destiny or fate in man's life. 

Please remember that your mind is like tape cum video recorder and all which you see hear and talk is recorded constantly in this recorder or conscious mind, and your Subconscious mind sends signal to God, who observes and selects some of the impressions from it and God plays it for you in your life as you record it. In fact our five senses are responsible for the creation which may be from inner or outer body which we feel, think or believe.

The Secret of Wish Fulfillment is revealed for the First Time by the author Mr. Dinesh Sahay in his book, 'Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune*'. You can learn the Art of Creation in actual life by Thought Power, Power of Spoken Words, and Power of Writing and by Right Targeted Actions.

  There are some important tools which create life’s positive events and one should always follow these set rules of the Nature, God or Guru whoever you follow. Please read 'HOW DO YOU CREATE YOUR LIFE AND WHAT'S THE MECHANISM BEHIND IT?' on the right hand of side of the page on sidebar.

If you have a point of view on anything and everything under the sun, if you believe that life you want to lead should be as per your per your ideas, thoughts, goals, dreams, deadlines and wishes, then be ready to enjoy believing in self. Trust that God is ever ready to fulfill your every desire that you make which is not selfish and which contributes to the society and for the benefit of the poor, downtrodden, and under privileged.

Life is not about living for self or with selfish ends but to serve the mankind which is should be our motto. Our aim should be to think Big and live simple, believe in giving, because giving is receiving as a natural law. We should share and serve others especially poor, downtrodden, handicapped and underprivileged people. Please don't limit our thoughts with limited space in mind, but unfold its unlimited space for the creation. Connect with more people in life and love them; God has sent them in your life, don't annoy them at least.

If you have a thirst for creating exciting life and have the drive to excel in whatever you dream, then surely have a place for you that you will be remembered for your good deeds which you have done for others than been remembered and forgotten for leading selfish life as you leave this world.

You can read my book, "Enlighten the lamp of your Fortune"* on Wish/Dream Fulfillment and manifest your dreams in actual life in time bound manner. You can join my online guidance also. For details read on the right hand of this page. 


Wish you all the very best for what you dream, may it comes true soon in your life; please make a wish in present tense and send to me. Please set your goal or wish which you really mean with time limit.

Dinesh Sahay



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If you have a Dream/Wish/Goal then you can email your details - your name, city, state, country, wish in present tense and date by which you want to see it manifested in your life. We will guide you to make your dreams a reality in life. Click below and write your wish.

CLICK AND SEND A WISH/DREAM (If you have Gmail address) 

Or send your wish or query at

*Terms and conditions apply.