Dinesh Sahay---Author-Mentor -His Books

award-winning author, Dinesh Sahay has written fourteen books and was
born in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India. His late father was a Mechanical
Engineer, MIE, and his late Grandfather was a Courtier in the Palace &
Kingdom of King Madhav Rao Scindhiya in Gwalior Madhya Pradesh, India.
Dinesh Sahay (BSc, CBIM), has worked in many companies as
ex. GM, Senior Manager Marketing & Sales Kumar & DM. With vast
practical experience in the art of creation, he started his online
program Make Your Dreams Come True and “Enlighten the Lamp of Your Fortune” during the year 2003, through his website, blogs and
social media. He interacted with members online. He distributed his programme
book in digital book in PDF format. He shared this PDF book through email to
all his members who joined him for this programme.
He evolved a program, "Enlighten the lamp of Your
Fortune" for wish/dream fulfilment during his service period and had
experimented and helped his members, clients, distributors, dealers and
employees of the company. In this program, he developed a technique to
influence Minds, Thoughts and Actions to work towards positive creation in
life. The program was a great success which was done by many to realize their
dreams. (Which includes businesses, finances etc.).
Finally, the story of Author’s journey began by writing
and publishing one book, “Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune” in
2018, which contained his program for wish/dream fulfilment and
solutions for individual problems of life. It was altogether a new subject, and
therefore, was very much liked by readers. He wrote a series of books after this
and is continuing now.
He wrote another book on real-life story experiences on Miracles happening in his life, and the name of this book is ‘Miracles
Through My Eyes”. Both the books were a big hit among readers,
a particularly young class who have aspirations, problems, or who wanted to
fulfil wishes and dreams for the forthcoming life.
& Awards Trophies Certificates:
Author Dinesh Sahay had written thirteen books and three audio-books to date, seven in English, four in Hindi and one each in Tamil
and Bengali language which is a translated version of his book.
He is likely to
publish five new books soon in different languages like Marathi, Bengali and
He won the Best Author Award, a Trophy and certificates for an English book; one at New Town Book
Fair 2020 at Kolkata on 1st January 2020. (Litroma 75 Rising Award 2020 for
best author & Trophy)
1. Miracles Through My Eyes (Litroma award)
2. Miracles Through My Eyes (by Critic Space Online
Journal Award)
Audio-Book: “Can I Create What Star Can’t Foretell?” on
Amazon, Kobo-Rakuten, scribd.com, audible.com,
1. The Power of Q Analyse Youth Score Assess Forthcoming Life
2. Can I Create what Stars Can’t Foretell? Current book
3. Story of Unbelievable Miracles of Life. (Worldwide
4. Miracles Through My Eyes.
5. Enlighten the Lamp of your Fortune. (Worldwide release)
6. Art of Staying
Young While Growing Old (Worldwide release)
7. A Yogi’s Journey from Palace to Ashram.
8. Jeevan ke Kush Adbhut Pal
9. Mastishk aur Vicharo se Jeevan ki Rachna Kaise Kare?
(Worldwide release)
10. Vradh Hone par Yuva Rahne ki Kala (Worldwide release)
11. Vartmaan Jeevan ke Vishleshan se Aage Jeevan Jane aur
Bhagya Uday Kare” “वर्तमान जीवन के विश्लेषण से आगामी जीवन जानें और भाग्य उदय करें”
12. வாழ்க்கையில் நான் விரும்புவதை நான் கனவு காண முடியுமா? (The book
is translated version of English his book, “Can I Create What Stars Can’t
Foretell?” (Published worldwide)
13. (Fulfill Dreams in Real Life) বাস্তব জীবনে করুন নিজের স্বপ্ন পূরণ
লিখেছেন দিনেশ সহায়
Website links;
Email: query.makeyourdreams@gmail.com